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Tools: knife-mediated , hairdryer , PVC glue, 502 glue, white oil, water that day, Scrub , cloth, syringes, small square wood, Pearl Bailey .

A common undesirable phenomenon and maintenance methods :
1, PVC leather surface indentation :
Treatment methods: hot air duct profiles available direct heat blowing on the indentation site ( note the temperature , so as to avoid injury Yang PVC leather ) directly caused by an indentation in PVC softened disappears.

2: PVC leather surface scratches ( No hole in the bottom ) :
Processing Method: Scrub down on some scratch PVC leather lines were polished ( first with coarse , then fine sand ) polished to see the scratches , the spray can be cleaned Pearl Bailey .

3 ; jaws leather PVC leather Rocker :
Approach: a small amount of 502 glue stick with a blade penetrates into the skin at the Rocker jaws quickly strips of wood to fix them.

4 : Front panel ( plastic ) PVC skin contraction.
Treatment: PVC leather join provoke glue, then gently heating duct , strips of wood to flatten .


5 : Speaker Kong Lian origin bulbs, PVC leather panels with frame bubble :
Treatment ; syringe inject a small amount at a blistering PVC glue , and then duct heating with wood can be flattened .


6: PVC leather corners worn Tsuyuki :
Treatment: can be directly used to blacken the black marker pen .

7 : Decorative circle next to the PVC skin blistering ;
Treatment: Remove the decorative ring, with a hairdryer blowing hot air stalls PVC leather, and PVC plastic, then hairdryer blowing ,
Smooth with a cloth , decorative ring lock screw ( be careful not to over-tighten the circle and keeping decorative PVC leather and leave some space between , about a paper thickness ) .
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Second, the Grand Hyatt "8 "-shaped treble horn disassembly and maintenance
1, the first speaker level down, the front panel upward .
2 , in the " 8"-shaped gilded decorative piece next to gap at the white oil injected with a syringe , soak 5 - ten minutes .
3, with smaller needles or thin blade gently remove the "8" , and then injected into the gap at the white oil , so a pull- plus white oil can be "8" off .
4 , then put it back "8" , you must leave the original double and glue clean and clear , and then paste the new double and glue, and then replace the "8" .
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III. Treble membrane ( semi ) Replacement:
1 : first white oil put treble panel at Baptist 5-10 minutes .
2 : then remove the treble, the meson and washer fit at plus white oil dissolved adhesive .
3 : then flathead screwdriver gently meson take place .
4: clean out the surface of the rubber washer , then in the washer outer 1/ 3 marked circle 3M adhesive ( glue not too much ) , and then the new meson ( semi ) accord , pay attention to the positioning convex washer point positioning holes aligned meson .
5 : connection methods according to the original welding connection back , lock back screw.
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Four , crossovers and speaker connections
1 , under normal circumstances , bass , subwoofer speaker positive ( + ) lead and the divider output positive ( usually red or wire on the "+" sign ) connections.
2 , alt speaker connections : some models for the positive connection such as (GH-8); reverse some models ( eg TS3988), replacing the speaker must be careful . The so-called positive refers to the positive and the divider output line connected to the positive speaker unit ; reverse divider output line refers to the positive and negative terminal of the speaker unit .
Five , TS3988 blistering front panel repair methods
1 , the decorative panel four screws removed .
2 , gently knocked loose decorative plates, then remove the trim panel .
3 , injected with a syringe in a small amount of foaming at the PVC plastic , heated with a hairdryer , wipe with a cloth flat .
4, in the four M4 screws at each plus a meson , and then tighten the screws ( do not over tighten the screws , and you want me to keep decorative panels between a paper thickness of the gap ) .
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Six , FS2188 treble membrane replacement ( divider line in the back splice closed )
1, in the two woofers decorative circle around a small white Youpao Note 5-10 minutes .
2 Gently pull the iron hook with wire mesh and decorative ring .
3 Remove the top and bottom woofer .
4, in the treble panel and fit to box towel between bitNote white oil dissolved adhesive .
5 ` with a small flathead screwdriver remove the high ( with panel ) .
6 ` Replace treble in four positioning holes must be played in the melt and then loaded treble, bass decorative circle at the edge of painted PVC plastic , then put it back to Network Rail .
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Seven , FS1060 treble replacement ( crossover wiring together on the rear panel )
1, in the two woofers decorative circle edge infiltrate white oil, soak 5-10 minutes.
2 , under the hand dial decorated laps.
3 , with M4 Allen key loosen the set screw on the treble , the tweeter removed .
4 , with a wire treble hook gently pull off the iron mesh .
5 , torn flannel on the panel , and then a Phillips screwdriver to screw on the panel Panasonic, remove the panel can be replaced treble December semi-finished products .
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Eight , TS3988 treble membrane replacement
1 , decorated with M4 hex Panasonic board four screws.
2 , pine decorative plates with plastic hammer , pull out the decorative panels .
3 , loosen the set screws removed due tweeter treble .
4 , loosen the treble panel fixing screws and remove the sound film semi-finished and put a new semi- sound film .
5 Replace the trim boards must be fixed tweeter next two holes then put it back together with PVC decorative panels .
Repair method as above : ( three treble membrane ( semi ) replacement )


Nine , APPLE blue light replacement of satellites
Pull out the metal mesh with a wire hook with M4 Allen key loosen the screws horn , and the role open front cover mounting holes in the blue light penetrates white oil, rubber dissolved back set , remove the bad blue light after replacing New Zealand lights, call back to the yellow glue or hot melt adhesive fixed , welded connection ( Note : Welding time can not be more than three seconds , the distinction between positive and negative, long leg is positive. )
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Ten , GH-5号misalignment correction method of both
1, first with a hex key to connect the upper and lower cabinet screw is loose out .
2 , then both schools are in the upper and lower case .
3 , and finally put the screws do not hit on the deviation .
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